Friday, June 29, 2012

Falling Off

Let's skip the pleasantries.  I lost two pounds this week!  I'm hoping this means that I'm falling off the plateau that I had apparently unable to find the edge to for the past few weeks.  I'll reserve final judgment on that until next week's weigh in. 

Even though it's a few days late, I did also manage to make it into a new decade.  And I'd love to never go back.

This is going to be a short post, as I woke up late and need to eat some breakfast and get my lazy butt out the door for heart rate monitor fitting and personal training, woo hoo!

Total weight loss: 56.5 lbs
Weight to go: 43.5 lbs
Work outs this week: 2 (sigh)

Weight to go before 6/13: 3.5 lbs

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