Friday, July 13, 2012

Sharing is Caring

It definitely appears that my little freak out last week was for naught.  I eluded to it earlier this week, but with my official weigh in this morning, I am down to my lowest weight yet... and 6 lbs since last week!  Thank you detox tea for helping me see all the hard work I've been doing!

Being down 6 lbs from last week also means that I've hit my latest mini goal... 60 lbs by today!!  I have lost exactly 60 lbs since the beginning of my journey, and I am thrilled!  Thank you all for the support and love through my ups and downs.  I've got quite a bit left to go, and I hope you'll see me through.

Recently my gym put up a large board that asks members to share their 90 day goals, and there are markers to write them down.  Today I'm going to add mine, and that is to weigh less than 200 lbs.  That also means that today I am going to be sharing my actual weight, not just what I've lost.  I have thought about it a lot for the past week, and with this morning's weigh in, I feel confident that my goal is attainable. I am planning to lose 25 lbs in 90 days!  That's about in line with the rate that I have been losing weight (8-10 lbs a month), and I know that now that I've set the goal, I'll work even harder to get there.

Starting weight: 284.5 lbs
Current weight: 224.5 lbs
90 day (Oct 12) goal: 199.5 lbs
Pounds to go: 40/25
Work outs this week: 3, thank goodness!

Stay tuned for a few recipes I'll be sharing soon.  Cauliflower pizza crust and stuffed tomatoes!


  1. Although I haven't accompanied You on your journey from the beginning, I think you did great progress. And it is very motivating for me as a low-carber :) Good luck to you on your future dealings with the diet!
    And the cauli-pizza sounds so promising...

  2. Congratulations! That's such a big accomplishment! And your 90 goal is totally attainable. Kudos on finding new ways to keep yourself accountable. So proud of you!!!
