Day 1 (Monday) wasn't so bad, so getting up and run for Day 2 this morning wasn't a problem. I even found that Day 2 was already a little easier than Day 1. I found that I didn't need/want to look at my phone to see how much time I had left. I just went for it.
Just after I started today's program, an older gentleman came out to the pond where I was running to stretch, walk, and enjoy the AMAZING weather we are having (oh please, oh please, oh please weather be like this in 360 days!). I said "good morning" as I passed him the first time, and then basically ignored him (and vice versa) until I was on my cool down. He stopped me and said (in fairly broken English, which made it so much nicer that he wanted to talk to me) "50 years I have walked or ran everyday, so good for you" and smiled. I thanked him and as I walked away he repeated himself and smiled bigger. Thanks for the boost sweet man. It wasn't just what he said, it's what I heard, "keep going!", as if this total stranger was proud of me just for trying.
And so with that added motivation, I know I can do it. Day 3, here I come!