After my last post Sakief reminded me that I didn't give my stats for the week. I was up to 217.5 (though I'd seen higher that week, ugh), which meant a net gain of 3.5 lbs while I was on my little vacation from healthy living.
As promised, I began my "no carb" life again on Monday, and I am already down to my lowest weight yet (since starting this journey) at 213 lbs!
It's definitely a diet that is hard to stick to. Last night I brought Chipotle over to Adam and Erin's. I had a salad, which was delicious, but Maiya had a taco (that she was refusing to eat, shocker). I kept staring at the taco thinking "mmmm, tortilla".
Granted, if I can make it through two weeks (and I WILL), then I will hopefully lose my carb cravings. That's what the "experts" say (aka, the internet). I'm very committed to keeping this up for the next 6 weeks or so, and I'm ever hopeful that it will make the difference I think it will.
On a related note... when did bathing suits become so damn expensive? I was browsing the internet looking for tops to go with my lonely black bottoms, and just the TOP cost $60 and up. Ugh. I think I'll go back to Target, for real.
I also managed to get in three work outs this week, so that part is falling back in line as well. I'm wondering if I just needed a bit of a mental break (and physical) from all of this in order to come back stronger than ever.
Tonight my lovely boyfriend comes to town to spend a long weekend here, and I can't wait! This is our last visit before he moves here in about 5 weeks. While 5 weeks apart is not something I'm looking forward to, I'm glad that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Pretty sure that those 5 weeks are going to fly by anyway, especially considering that I have a trip to MD planned for Thanksgiving in just a few weeks which makes me go "wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee".
Stats this week:
Weight: 213 lbs
Weight lost: 71.5 lbs
To go: 28.5 lbs
Work outs: 3 (yes!!!)
have you tried they're usually pretty cheap!